The MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam is the titular robot of Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam and is a Mobile Suit featured in The Knights of the Multiverse. It is a transformable Gundam from the Universal Century, able to transform into a jet fighter-like form called a "Waverider". It is the main robot piloted by one of its principal designers Kamille Bidan, who now uses it to lead the charge against the forces of evil as a part of the Crystal Knights.
Season 1[]
For the first quarter of the season, the Zeta was shelved to be repaired after all the damage it took in the final battle against Unicron's minions. But in the intervening time, the Photon/Saotome Lab engineering team were able to recreate the Waverider armor and the long beam saber it had lost in the final battle at Gryps, thanks to the data Kamille gave them to restore it. After it was fully restored, he would use for the remainder of his and the team's battles with L.O.S.R..
Season 2[]
Season 3[]
The Zeta Gundam has a Mini Jet Scrander held in its cockpit in case its pilot needs to make a quick escape should the mech be too heavily damaged.
- Shield
Formed from the nose cone of its Waverider mode, the Zeta's shield is a piece of extra thick armor that has an anti-beam coating to defend against beam attacks.
- 60mm Vulcan Gun
The basic armament for many mobile suits, the Zeta has a pair of Vulcan machine guns in its head. It was originally equipped to use bullets, capable of holding 600 rounds; but after its refitting, this system was replaced with Photon power packs that allow it to fire small Photon laser beams.
- 2-tube Grenade Launcher
The Zeta has a pair of 2-tube grenade launchers built into its forearms, with each grenade launcher carries four grenades, adding up to a total of eight rounds it can fire at enemies.
- Grappling Wire
The Zeta Gundam has a grappling wire equipped in place of the grenade launchers' warheads, which is mainly used to immobilize enemy units when the pilot wishes not to inflict too much damage to the target or to lend an anchor for any wayward allies.
- Beam Saber
The Zeta has two beam sabers for close combat, with one saber being stored in both of its side armor plates. They can also double as beam guns in Waverider mode, partially extending from their storage racks and firing small beams of energy,
- Beam Rifle
The Zeta's primary handheld ranged weapon. It can also emit a beam blade from its barrel, turning into a large beam saber. It can also sometimes be used as a javelin, with the Zeta being able to throw it at its target.
The original Beam Rifle was destroyed during the final battle at Gryps, but the NPS Labs were able to create a replica of it, with it now using Photon beams as its main source of "ammunition". They were even able to replicate its long beam saber feature after reverse-engineering its beam sabers.
- Waverider Mode
The Zeta had extra armor on its back that allowed it to transform into a streamlined Waverider, including a pair of wing-binders and a tail binder, all of which not only served as control surfaces for the Waverider in atmospheric flight, but also contained extra thrusters and worked as additional balancing limbs in mobile suit mode. During the final battle at Gryps, this armor was heavily damaged, and was separated from the Zeta during its final transformation, but replacement parts made from Super Alloy Z (the same material used for Mazinger Z's armor) were given to it when it was overhauled and rebuilt.
Super/Finisher Moves[]
- Beam Confuse
The Zeta tosses one of its beam sabers like a boomerang, and then hits at it several times with the beam rifle. This releases a huge wave of the saber's particles, which are strong enough to destroy smaller weapons like Funnels & jet fighters, dissipate beam & superpowered attacks, and can at the very least injure enemy mobile suits/Super Robots.
- Heat End
A move Kamille sort of just made up on the spot and given its name by Catra, Kamille releases the seal on one of his grenade launchers before plowing the Zeta's fist into its opponent's chest, and then fires the grenades, absolutely destroying the opponent's internal systems and head unit (although Kamille usually reserves this move for unmanned mechs due to how brutal it is).
- Hyper Beam Saber
Kamille channels all of his energy into the Zeta's beam saber, with the Mobile Suit being engulfed in a flame-like pink aura, releasing it in the form of an awe-inspiring, hyper-charged slash. This releases a torrent of energy that's strong enough to destroy an enemy in a single swipe, easily being able to tear some of its larger opponents in two.
- Waverider Crash
Simple as the name implies, the Zeta crash directly into its opponent in Waverider mode, piercing through the opponent's torso, often triggering them to explode. Sometimes the Zeta will even punch through the target completely and can even be super-charged by the Bio-Sensor for even more damage. Originally, this heavily damaged the Waverider armor, but thanks to the replacement parts made from Super Alloy Z, this is no longer an issue.
- Hyper Waverider Crash
- Like the Hyper Beam Saber, Kamille channels the Zeta's energy as it charges forward at its opponent, with the Zeta again being engulfed in a flame-like pink aura. This boost increases the Zeta's speed exponentially, and even allows it to crash through multiple opponents rather than one with the normal Crash.
- Double Super Flare
Combo attack w/ Orguss: the Zeta uses the Bio-Sensor to charge up its power, concentrating it mostly in its fist, while the Orguss charges its Photon Flare. The two mechs then charge upward at their opponent, punching right through them in a super-powered charge attack.
- Pheonix Buster
Combo attack w/ Sunset Shimmer: Sunset unleashes a burst of magic that takes the form of a burning Pheonix. The Zeta then transforms into Waverider Mode and rushes forwards, merging with the flaming bird and crashing to its target.
Special Equipment & Features[]
- Bio-Sensor
A technological variant of the Psycommu System, the Bio-Sensor is a system that allows a Newtype pilot to more easily interface with his mobile suit via mental commands. It also has a rather surprising side effect when the pilot is mentally and emotionally focused enough (usually when angry or upset) to cause the sensor to amplify the Zeta's power, speed & strength for a short period of time, represented in the form of pinkish-purple energy.
Additional Gear[]
- Long Rifle
Taken from the remains of the G-Defenser and used in place of its original Hyper Mega Launcher, this ranged beam weapon has a high level of destructive power.
- Mk-II Beam Rifle
During the events of the Mini-Series, the Zeta used the Gundam Mk-II's beam rifle as its main offensive weapon.
- Height: 19.85m/65 ft
- Length: 24.32 m/79.79 ft (Waverider mode)
- Wingspan: 18.61 m/61.05 ft (Waverider mode)
To help further establish continuity between the New Translation movies & KotM, the Zeta is missing its Waverider parts and doesn't convert into its alternate mode for the entirety of the Mini-Series, with it losing the necessary components after the final battle against Paptimus Scirocco as seen at the end of the third film.
To help it fit in a little better with its Super Robot compatriots, for the first season at least, the Zeta's special moves are slightly modified to act more like attacks performed by G Gundam's Shining and Burning Gundams, with the Hyper Beam Saber behaving more like the Shining's "Shining Finger Sword" and the Heat End attack obviously being a reference to the Burning's move of the same name. It's ability to generate barriers and the like is played up a lot more too, acting similarly to the Aura Battlers from Aura Battler Dunbine, with Kamille being able to create barriers to defend himself and increase the Zeta's powers any time he chooses (this also applies to many of the other Gundams in the series that are equipped with Bio-Sensors).
- That said though, this ability is only used against mainly the "boss"-type characters of the series so as to still allow some level of tension in its battles and to allow the Zeta to still take damage from grunt-types.
- Its use of the Mk, II's Long Rifle also makes it the occasional sniper of the team, along the lines of 00's Dynames and Cherudim; sometimes hanging in the back of battles to take out the larger foes the Knights face.
- Sunset and the Zeta's "Pheonix Buster" is based off of Cybuster's Akashik Buster attack, and is one of the combos that was come up with for the "Rule of Cool".