The Xabungle is the titular robot of Combat Mecha Xabungle and is a pair of Super Robots featured in The Knights of the Multiverse, introduced in Season 1. Two of these robots were created by the organization L.O.S.R. and used by Dr. Cargo to act as short-term transport for his "goods" to and from the Iron Gear
Animated Shorts[]
Season 1[]
- Super Strength
Even by Super Robot standards, Xabungle's strength is very impressive. The most impressive feat it's done is being able to lift up a medium-sized land battleship, and even lift a large battleship off of its treads.
- Assault Rifle
Xabungle has a rather old-fashioned assault rifle compared to many other Mechs in the present day, as it uses bullets for ammunition rather than Photon energy. The bullets are held in a magazine held in the grip.
- Missile Pod
Xabungle carries with it a Missile Pod with nine missile launchers, which can either be held by hand or connected directly onto its right shoulder.
- 3-tube Missile Launcher
Xabungle carries a 3-tube missile launcher that attaches to its left shoulder.
- 4-tube Rocket Launcher
Xabungle carries a hand-held 4-tubed Rocket Launcher.
Component Parts[]
The Xabungle is able to transform into two truck-like vehicles, formed from two smaller vehicles.
- Bungle Skipper
Reaching a max speed of 255 kilometers per hour, the Skipper forms the Xabungle's upper half. It's capable of flight and launching missiles from the sides.
- Bungle Rover
Reaching a max speed if 210 kilometers per hour, the Rover forms Xabungle's lower half. It's capable of flight and launching missiles from the sides. Its thrusters can also be used in robot mode that allows it to fly short distances.
Additional Gear[]
- Long Rifle
The Xabungle is sometimes given the Zeta Gundam's Long Rifle for battles, mostly in sniper-based situations.
- Height: 17.8 meters
- Weight: 113 tons
- Max Speed: 255 KPH
The KotM version of the Xabungles play a little more into their truck-like vehicle forms by making them act as transport units for supplies.