Knights Of the Multiverse Wiki
Knights Of the Multiverse Wiki

The Secret Society are a group of characters from Justice League and are major antagonists in Knights of the Multiverse Season 2. Originally simply meant to be a gathering of supervillains and criminals to protect themselves from The Justice League, a majority of them eventually break off and align themselves with other villains and would-be conquerers from across The Multiverse in a bid to take over/bring order to rule it themselves





After the original Secret Society seemingly disbanded, Gorilla Grodd actually expanded the organization by recruiting several supervillains in the same fashion as the Justice League. Unlike the League, however, members were allowed to pursue their own operations, be it robbery or whatever, but they had the option of calling upon the organization for assistance should superheroes interfere. But, for such service, the standard fee was 25% of the relevant job's gross earnings.

Season 2[]


The Secret Society's story begins just before the events of Justice League Unlimited Season 3, complete with the majority of them joining Glemy's Zeon being KotM's equivalent to Lex taking control in the original show, a change that is a lot more apparent due to the fact that Grodd never brought Lex into the Society in this version of the story (of course, it could be argued that them all turning against hiim and joining Zeon is a lot worse than what Lex did with them).

The main reason for the Secret Society's inclusion in the second season of KotM is to give the Knights a set of human-sized villains for them to go up against, and, as a change from the robotic foes they faced in the first season, are mostly human, with even several rivalries developing between team members with similar powers. Plus, the extended episode length allows the series to focus on a lot more of the team's roster, much more than the team's original appearance in 7 of the 13 episodes in the original JLU Season 3 (with the added potential of a couple members turning over a new leaf and joining the team, especially ones that seem to be more sympathetic like Bizarro or Volcana).
