Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ (Double Zeta) is a 1986 anime television series animated produced by Sunrise and directed by Yoshiyuki Tomino that is featured in The Knights of the Multiverse. It is a direct sequel to Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam and the third Universal Century series to be made. Its story makes up a majority of the plot to KotM Season 2.
Featured Characters[]
- Kamille Bidan
- Fa Yuiry
- Elpeo Puru
- Puru Clones
- Haman Karn
- Glemy Toto
- Mashymre Cello
- Chara Soon
- Gottn Goh
- Rakan Dahkaran
- Illia Pazom
- August Guidan
- Arius Moma
- Lance Gylen
- Nee Gylen
- Pampa Lida
- Wyme Dee
- Beanne
- Danny
- Dale
- Deune
- Amasa Pola
- Dana Kirai
- Degas
- Creyue Oye
- Nell Marsen
- Yular Jamico
- Conte
- Flynn
- Eyne
- Beats
- Magany
Changes from Source Material[]
Since this version of ZZ is stemming off the Zeta Gundam New Translation movies (which, for all intents and purposes, pretty much wrote the show out of canon), naturally, there are going to be a lot of changes to the story:
- The most obvious change from the original ZZ is that in the original, Kamille was left in a vegetative state after the events of the original Zeta Gundam. Here of course, since it follows the New Translation movies, Kamille is perfectly fine, even taking Judau Ashta's place as the main character of the arc.
- To go along with Kamille taking Judau's place as the lead character in the arc, the mech pilots in the Crystal Knights are loosely based off of the members of the Gundam Team. At first, in the first part of Season 1, the Knights' main team of Mech pilots is meant to be based off of other 4-man mech teams like Dancouga's Cyber Beast Force and 00's Gundam Meisters before expanding its "ranks" before .
- Kamille - Judau: Main character of the "story"
- Mohm - Leina: Little sister character
- Ruri - Beecha: Often self-centered, but is a good friend by nature, and through many experiences grows a great deal as a human being, even showing qualities of a leader (although unlike Beecha, Ruri's self-centered attitude is mainly a side effect of her sheltered upbringing rather than any self-serving desires. And she definitely doesn't try to change sides like Beecha did).
- Kotoko - Mondo: Teammate who tends to get dragged along in the others' schemes. Bit of a troublemaker but knows when it goes too far. Biggest problem is their inability to tell cohorts "no."
- Asuka - Iino: the most mild-mannered & reserved member of the team that can get overwhelmed quite easily but is very friendly with everyone else (ties into Asuka's character arc of rebuilding herself after being "humbled" during the events of the original Evangelion anime).
- Molly - Elle: novice "pilot" with a slight attitude problem but an undaunted determination and an undying allegiance to their comrades.
- Elchi - Roux: not afraid to use her feminine charm to get her out of situations or to get under someone's skin at times, teasing them. Her patronizing attitude also causes problems between her and her squad-mates, often leading to arguments. Considers teammates as nothing more than childish kids at first, but forms a strong bond with all of them over the course of the series (although for the most part, Elchi goes through this character arc before the second season begins).
- Puru & Clones: Puru has the same role as the original series obviously, but has been expanded upon; also includes heavier focus on the other clones outside of 2 and 12
- This series goes a lot more in-depth with the Puru Clones than in the original Gundam ZZ, like how/why they were created and giving them all individual personalities (since in the original ZZ, the most exposure the clones that weren't Two and Twelve had were showing up in the MP Qubeleys, and even then, they weren't given that much focus). This also extends to Puru herself, mostly to give her an origin, since the original ZZ never really gave a good reason as to why she was recruited by Axis in the first place (since she's, y'know, 10) and why she was cloned in the first place. Many of these ideas come from the Advance of Zeta Re-Boot: Gundam Inle - Black Rabbit Had a Dream manga and various fan theories, with Three to Sixteen's (minus Twelve) personalities coming from Thunderscourge's roleplay forum, "Doing a Let's "Ple" Gihren's Greed: Threat of Axis V", on
- To help establish the main three Puru sisters a little more (the original, Two and Twelve), about each third of the season is used to introduce them and get a grasp on their personalities: Elpeo at the beginning of the season, Two in episode 17 (the same episode where Puru was introduced in the original), and Twelve (and subsequently the other clones) in episode 32 (the episode where Puru Two was introduced).
- In addition to that, rather than being thrown into the Psyco Gundam right away from her stasis nap, Puru Two is given her ReGelgu (rather than her own Qubeley Mk-II, but that change is better explained on Puru Two's page) and hops into the Mobile Fortress later on. In the storyline, this is explained by having her superiors test her Newtype powers before seeing how she performs in a mobile armor, which helps to foreshadow Puru Twelve piloting the Queen Mansa. However, for narrative purposes, this is to help establish the bond between her and her "sister", the original Puru, as well as several of the other Knights, to help make the battle with the Psyco even more dramatic and make her turn to the light a little more realistic.
- Speaking of the Psyco Gundam, the original monolith of a mobile armor/mobile suit from the first Zeta series appears rather than the Mk-II, since A), it was never created by the Titans in the New Translation timeline and B), the original wasn't seen getting clearly seen destroyed in the movie as it did in the original series.