The Genbu is a machine from Mobile Suit Gundam: The Blazing Shadow and is a battle fortress showcased in the Knights of the Multiverse Season 2. Based on the MAX-03 Adzam, it's a mobile armor developed by Axis Zeon.
Season 2[]
- Armor
The Genbu has much heavier armor than its predecessor, with the armor at the center resembling a turtle's shell. It's strong enough to resist any laser/beam attack.
- Laser Turrets
Like its predecessor, the Genbu is armed with multiple laser turrets across its body, with at least ten turrets adorned all over its shell, and two on each of its legs.
- Leg Thrusters
Unlike the Adzam's thrusters that were located inside of its legs, the Genbu instead has one large thruster located at the "foot" of each of its legs that allow it to ascend much higher and fly much greater distances.
- Large Mega Particle Cannon
The Genbu's ultimate weapon, it has a large mega particle gun, similar to those used on battleships, mounted in the center of it's body. It is powered by a direct line to the Genbu's power core. However, this comes at a price, as when the Genbu fires the cannon, it leaves an opening directly to the core.