Knights Of the Multiverse Wiki

Fenomena is a machine from Machine Robo: Revenge of Chronos that is featured in Knights of the Multiverse Season 1. It is a drone created by L.O.S.R. that generates powerful bolts of electricity, made especially to destroy the Crystal Knights, their robot members and Super Robots especially. Four of these drones were created in total.


Season 1[]

Abilities & Weapons[]

  • Electric Spikes

Fenomena is able to fire powerful electric bolts from the eight smaller spikes on its body. It can fire one spike at a time or all eight in a single, enormous burst of electricity. They can also move independently to hone in on their targets better.

  • Entrapment Protocal
For a final attack, all four Fenomenas surround its targets and discharge their electric energy that creates both a (seemingly) impenetrable barrier that no one on the outside can get through and an intense blast of electricity that's meant to tear whoever's unlucky enough to be trapped inside apart.


In the original Machine Robo, Fenomena was only a single unit. It was made into a semi-mass-produced weapon in KotM due to its relatively simple design and (like many robots & weapons that were given multiples of in this series) to ramp up the tension.
