The AMX-009 Dreissen is a mobile suit from Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ and is a mass-produced transformable mobile suit featured in Knights of the Multiverse Season 2. Based on the original MS-09B Dom, it were used by Axis Zeon in their war with the Crystal Knights.
Season 2[]
- Triple Beam Cannon
The Dreissen has a triple-barreled beam cannon mounted in each of its forearms, powered directly by the suit's generator, and can fire like a machine gun.
- Beam Lancer
The Dreiseen is armed with a beam lancer, a staff weapon that emits a short beam blade with high penetrating power, and can combine with the beam tomahawk into a naginata.
- Beam Tomahawk
The Dreissen is armed with a beam tomahawk, a beam weapon that emits an axe-shaped blade for slashing, which increases in output when combined with the beam lancer.
- Beam Rifle
The Dreissen usually arms itself with the same beam rifle used by the Bawoo.