Knights Of the Multiverse Wiki

Dr. Kay is a character from Phineas and Ferb and is a minor reoccurring character in the first season of The Knights of the Multiverse. She's a member of the evil organization L.O.S.R. and specializes in creating artificial intelligences, from something as simple as an android electronic brain to an A.I. capable of running a full battle fortress.


Kay is very passionate about her work, spending several sleepless nights working on new programs. She does have a habit of getting too invested into her work, as shown with how she was more focused on getting computer systems operational than someone infiltrating the fortress. However, she is still very compassionate at times, as shown by how much she genuinely loves her creations like they were her children.



Season 1[]

Season 2[]

Abilities & Equipment[]

  • Programming Skills

Dr. Kay is very skilled at programming. In particular, she excels at creating Artificial Intelligence programs that are capable of showing human emotions to war machines with agile and deadly accuracy.

  • Basic Robotics
  • Laser Pistol

For safety precautions, Kay always carries at least one laser pistol on her person.


The Knights[]


Kay is one of the few L.O.S.R. staff to be redeemed, or at the very least help the Knights from time to time.
