Cherry, originally designated as RSM-01C, is a character from Saber Marionette R and is a major character in The Knights of the Multiverse, introduced in Season 2. She was the first Droid created by Professor Starr of L.O.S.R., made to do his bidding and defeat his enemies. However, she proved to be too "emotional" and was sealed away under the sea. However, at the start of the second season, she would be found and reactivated by the Crystal Knights, just in time to aid them in their crusade against Axis Zeon. Although she would end up spending more time fighting with her little sister Lime.
Cherry is very feminine, polite and domestic, especially compared to her sisters. In casual settings, she's quite a gentle and soft-spoken mind with gifted culinary skills. However, while she does try to act as polite and ladylike as she can, she'll often act very childish and petty at times. But on the positive side, she will fight whenever she needs to & fight to the fullest of her abilities; even though she was never deployed onto a battlefield, she proved to be a rather tough fighter quickly.
However, what she wants to do above all else is prove that she matters. She has a rather large inferiority complex due to thinking that her powers are inferior to most other Droids around her, least of all by her own sister Lime.
Cherry was Professor Starr's first Droid, created in a test to develop a Droid that could build up and generate immense destructive power from their body. For his first creation, he built a super-powered electric dynamo into Cherry's body that allowed her to generate incredible amounts of electricty through the amplifiers in her hands and feet. He also programmed her to one hundred percent loyal to him and follow his every word, to which came out as her showing great love and affection for her creator.
However, this would soon change when Starr started to develop a second Droid that was much more powerful that she was. Even when she was still being constructed, Cherry immediately picked up that her father thought more highly of her soon-to-be born sister than her. Sure enough, out of a mixture or jealousy and fear of being replaced, she lashed out and destroyed a large amount of the professor's lab to destroy it before it could be born, but Starr managed to deactivate her before she could do any true harm. Proving to be too emotional, Starr had her body placed in a capsule and thrown into the ocean to be discarded and forgotten while he completed the Droid that would go onto become Lime.
Season 2[]
Season 3[]
Abilities & Weapons[]
- Enhanced Agility
Cherry has all the normal agility advantages associated with androids (can run faster than a normal human, jump tall buildings in a single bound, etc.)
- Interfacing Cable
Cherry has a cable stored in her left arm that allows her to interface with virtually any mechanical device.
- Binoculars
Cherry has a pair of electronic binoculars stored in her right arm.
- Electric Dynamo
Cherry has an experimental Electric Dynamo attached directly to her Power Core that generates a high level of energy inside her body.
- Shock Amplifiers
Cherry has a set of shocks amplifiers stored in both of her hands and feet that allow her to discharge bursts of energy directly from her body, creating huge waves of electricity that can be used as either electrocute most forms of technology or as simple energy blasts. She even exhaust vents that slide down from her elbows to release any excess heat (which can also double as a blow dryer).
- Electro Punch
- Cherry is able to energize her fists to deliver a much more powerful impact on her enemies.
- Electro Kick
- Cherry is able to deliver a kick strong enough and filled with enough electrical discharge to cause most robots to explode, or at the very least part of it.
- Exhaust Ports
- Cherry's elbows can slide back to reveal exhaust ports so she can release any excess power.
Professor Starr[]
To say Cherry had a poor relationship with her little sister would be an understatement. Honestly, she downright hated Lime from the bottom of her mechanical heart right from the moment of her conception for stealing her father's "supposed" love. This attitude towards her younger sibling remanifested very quickly when she truly met her face to face, with the only thing holding her back from attacking her being the other Knights. This sense of inferiority was only worsened when she saw how powerful she was in battle, seeing that Lime truly was stronger than her.
Thankfully though after a long while, Cherry did come to realize both that she was being petty and that her father was a bad man that never gave her the love she so desperately desired.
Usagi Tsukino[]
Asuka Langley Soryu[]
Axis Zeon[]
Like her sister, Cherry's depiction in this series is meant to be sort of a middle ground between her J & R interpretations, where she tries to act "prim & proper" like in J but can still be very emotional - especially when it involves Lime and their connection to another - like in R; though her jealousy towards Lime has been "exaggerated" so to say.
- Her being "thrown away" in the sea is somewhat similar to the character of Marine from the J Again OVA; except whereas Marine was kept hidden because her experimental nature and made her dangerous, Starr did this to Cherry because... well, he's a jackass.
Like Lime, the "R" incarnation of Cherry was chosen over her original series counterpart mostly just because the design looks more appealing (and is a lot easier to draw).
In the original Saber Marionette R, the powers of Cherry's "amplifiers" are honestly a bit vague, not helped by how they only appear in one episode. Them having their electric powers in KotM is simply to give them a set power setup and is based off of a couple of scenes in the original series where that seem to heavily imply the use of electricity. And while her powers might make Ayako redundant, this is somewhat compounded by her character arc and the way she uses her powers being very different from Ayako's. Plus, this does lead to a little bit of a bond between the two.
Like a few other robot characters in this series, Cherry and subsequently Lime's names have been made into nicknames that just stuck, a concept mainly spawning from the idea of questioning why someone as evil and uncaring as Starr would give his creations such cute fruit-based names. Thus came the idea for them to have "official designations" at first, which are taken from their Development Codes in the J series, just with an "R" replacing the "J" to keep with their appearances here being based off of the R anime, and the "1" and "2" at the ends being swapped since, obviously, Cherry was "born" first.